Download Modellierung, Analyse und Simulation elektrischer und by Müller PDF

By Müller

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt Grundwissen zur Lösung von Problemen der Elektrotechnik, der Antriebstechnik und der Mechatronik mit Hilfe des mathematischen Expertensystems Maple™ und des objektorientierten Simulationssystems MapleSim™. Der Autor stellt zunächst Maple™ in konzentrierter shape vor. Danach geht er ausführlich auf die Ermittlung analytischer und numerischer Lösungen von Differentialgleichungen mit Maple™ ein. Der Modellierung und examine elektrischer und mechanischer Systeme mit Unterstützung durch Maple™ sowie komplexeren Anwendungsbeispielen sind die folgenden Kapitel des Buches gewidmet. Ausführlich beschrieben werden auch das objektorientierte Modellieren und Simulieren mit MapleSim™ und die Zusammenarbeit von Maple™ mit MapleSim™, Matlab™ und Scilab™.

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Download Applied Simulation and Optimization: In Logistics, by Miguel Mujica Mota,Idalia Flores De La Mota,Daniel Guimarans PDF

By Miguel Mujica Mota,Idalia Flores De La Mota,Daniel Guimarans Serrano

Presenting suggestions, case-studies and methodologies that mix using simulation ways with optimization ideas for dealing with difficulties in production, logistics, or aeronautical difficulties, this publication presents suggestions to universal business difficulties in numerous fields, which variety from production to aviation difficulties, the place the typical denominator is the mix of simulation’s flexibility with optimization options’ robustness.

Providing readers with a finished advisor to take on related matters in commercial environments, this article explores novel how you can face commercial difficulties via hybrid ways (simulation-optimization) that enjoy the merits of either paradigms, so that it will supply recommendations to special difficulties in provider undefined, creation strategies, or offer chains, reminiscent of scheduling, routing difficulties and source allocations, between others.

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Download Ancient Romans: Expanding the Classical Tradition (Oxford by Rosalie F. Baker,Charles F. Baker III PDF

By Rosalie F. Baker,Charles F. Baker III

"As for all times, it's a conflict and a trip in an odd land."--Emperor Marcus Aurelius

Seeking to manage an empire that unfold during the Mediterranean international and past, the traditional Romans built a particular tradition during which they tailored many Greek principles and types but additionally created a wealth of latest ones. The Roman history maintains to impact our structure, govt, army, language, legislation, and literature.
Ancient Romans chronicles the lives and accomplishments of Roman figures whose impact remains to be felt this present day. We examine Romans from all walks of existence, from the insurgent gladiator Spartacus to the poets, historians, and playwrights who documented Roman lifestyles, to the numerous emperors (and a few of their better halves) who ruled the empire. In forty six essays, Rosalie and Charles Baker discover the lives of those attention-grabbing personalities, from the main recognized Romans to those that tend to be neglected, including:
* Juvenal, a grasp satirist who ridiculed Rome as a haven for crime, unfastened spending, and different social evils
* Livia, spouse of Rome's first emperor (Augustus), mom of Rome's moment (Tiberius), and grandmother of Rome's fourth (Claudius)
* Mark Antony, the final and statesman whose existence and romance with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra were re-created all through historical past via writers and actors
* Virgil, the poet who composed the Aeneid, the nationwide epic of Rome
* Cicero, the statesman, attorney, and orator
* Nero, who turned emperor at age sixteen and went directly to rebuild Rome after a disastrous hearth and to foster peace all through his empire
The biographies span the years 396 B.C. to A.D. 410. every one incorporates a convenient truth field that lists delivery and dying dates and the main accomplishments of every individual profiled. furthermore, ample illustrations and especially commissioned maps, an appendix chronicling the lives of mythical heroes and heroines of early Rome, a desk of Roman emperors and their reigns, a genealogy that strains the Julian and Claudian households, a timeline, a thesaurus of Roman phrases, an index of Romans by means of career, and proposals for additional interpreting all upload to the usefulness of this unheard of reference. With figures from fields as varied as literature, politics, the army, and philosophy, Ancient Romans offers a accomplished exam of the origins of recent civilization.

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Download Simulation diskreter Prozesse: Methoden und Anwendungen by Ulrich Hedtstück PDF

By Ulrich Hedtstück

Dieses Buch führt in die Simulation diskreter Prozesse ein. Typische Anwendungsbeispiele sind Fertigungsprozesse, Strassenverkehrssituationen, Menschenströme und Geschäftsprozesse. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegende ereignisorientierte Simulation sowie deren programmiertechnische Realisierung. Anhand vieler Beispiele wird die Lösung spezieller Detailprobleme mit grundlegendem Charakter gezeigt. Die durch die Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen entstandenen neuen Herausforderungen bezüglich der Simulation bilden einen Schwerpunkt der Darstellung, ein separater Teil ist den theoretischen Grundlagen gewidmet. Lernziel des Buches ist die Fähigkeit, diskrete Prozesse mit den passenden Mitteln zu modellieren und dazu eine Simulationssoftware zu entwerfen bzw. die Mechanismen bestehender Simulationssoftware so zu begreifen, dass sie gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden kann. Die wichtigen Programmstrukturen sind in shape von Pseudocode dargestellt und dadurch völlig unabhängig von einer Programmiersprache oder Spezialsoftware. Damit ist das Buch für eine breite Leserschaft geeignet.

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Download Mörder ohne Gnade: Thriller (German Edition) by Erica Spindler,Annette Keil PDF

By Erica Spindler,Annette Keil

Seit ihrem achten Lebensjahr sind Andie, Raven und Julie beste Freundinnen. Doch im Sommer als sie fünfzehn werden, wird diese Freundschaft auf eine harte Probe gestellt. Heimlich beobachten die Mädchen ein Pärchen beim Extrem-Sex. Kurz danach wird die Frau gefunden - erhängt!

Fünfzehn Jahre später wird Andie, inzwischen erfolgreiche Psychologin, von obszönen Anrufen terrorisiert. Als kurz danach in ihr Haus eingebrochen wird, ahnt sie, dass der Mörder von damals zurückgekehrt ist. In ihrer Angst wendet sie sich an den erfahrenen Polizisten Nick Raphael. Schon bald ist es ihm ein sehr persönliches Anliegen, Andie zu beschützen. Doch kann er einen Mörder aufhalten, der keine Gnade kennt?

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Download Teachers of English Learners Negotiating Authoritarian by Lucinda Pease-Alvarez,Katharine Davies Samway PDF

By Lucinda Pease-Alvarez,Katharine Davies Samway

with the intention to opposite the purported predicament in U.S. public colleges, the government, states, districts have mandated rules that want standardized ways to educating and review. hence, academics were counting on teacher-centered tutorial techniques that don't think about the desires, studies, and pursuits in their scholars; this can be rather stated with English beginners (ELs). The frequent implementation of those rules is especially outstanding in California, the place greater than 25% of all public university scholars are ELs.

This quantity studies on 3 reports that discover how academics of ELs in 3 tuition districts negotiated those regulations. Drawing on sociocultural and poststructural views on company and gear, the authors research how contexts within which lecturers of ELs lived and labored encouraged the messages they built approximately those guidelines and mediated their judgements approximately coverage implementation. the quantity offers very important insights into tactics affecting the educational and educating of ELs.

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Download FAST Grading: A Guide to Implementing Best Practices (Common by Douglas Reeves PDF

By Douglas Reeves

Embrace powerful grading methods that experience the ability to minimize failure charges, increase scholar self-discipline, inspire studying, and increase morale. during this three-part consultant, the writer provides functional thoughts academics and directors can use to make sure their grading practices heart on 4 crucial standards: equity, accuracy, specificity, and timeliness. follow case reviews, real-world suggestions versions, and interactive mirrored image questions achieve help for grading reform, navigate implementation demanding situations, and more.


  • Discover powerful publications to resolving scholar habit difficulties, tardiness, and educational dishonesty.
  • Learn in regards to the 5 blunders educators frequently make that reason grading reform to fail.
  • Understand the way to achieve the help of stakeholders for grading reform, even if reviews differ.
  • Study how undesirable grading practices waste lecturers’ time and the way enhanced practices can store time.
  • Consider the reports of faculties that experience tackled grading challenges.
  • Reflect on grading practices and plan advancements utilizing routines in each chapter.



Introduction       quickly Grading: reasonable, exact, particular, and Timely

Part I     construction Relationships with lecturers, mom and dad, and Communities

1              getting ready for quick Grading

2              discovering universal flooring within the Grading Debate

3              Gaining lecturers’ views on Grading

Part II    imposing speedy Grading and enhancing most sensible Practices

4              constructing quickly Grading

5              enforcing Time-Saving recommendations for Busy Teachers

6              Grading scholar Behavior

Part III   contemplating quick suggestions all through faculties, structures, and Communities

7              studying from actual schooling and the Arts

8              contemplating the Contexts of educating and Leading

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Download A Researcher's Guide to Sources on Soviet Social History in by Sheila Fitzpatrick,Lynne Viola PDF

By Sheila Fitzpatrick,Lynne Viola

The Stalin period has been much less available to researchers than both the previous decade or the postwar period. the fundamental challenge is that in the Stalin years censorship limited the gathering and dissemination of knowledge (and brought bias and distortion into the facts that have been published), whereas within the post-Stalin years entry to files and libraries remained tightly managed. hence it's not mind-blowing that one of many major manifestations of glasnost has been the hassle to open up documents of the Thirties. during this quantity Western and Soviet experts element the untapped power of resources in this interval of Soviet social historical past and likewise the hidden traps that abound. the total variety of resources is roofed, from memoirs to legit records, from urban directories to automated information bases.

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