Download Im Reich der Schlangenkönigin: Märchen, Schwänke, Helden- by Erika Glassen,Hasan Özdemir PDF

By Erika Glassen,Hasan Özdemir

Es battle einmal, es battle keinmal … beginnt so manches Märchen, das uns in die Welt der Feen, Riesen und Dämonen führt, ins Reich der Schlangenkönigin Sahmeran, dorthin, wo Zauberkräfte walten. Die Grenzen zwischen Wirklichkeit und Fantasie sind durchlässig. Diese verwunschene Welt der orientalischen Märchen ist uns aus Tausendundeine Nacht vertraut. Das unerschöpfliche arabische Erzählwerk zeigt, dass Araber, Perser, Türken und Inder in vormoderner Zeit eine reiche, gemeinsame Märchen- und Mythentradition pflegten. Die türkischen Volkssänger und Märchenerzähler haben im kulturellen Schmelztiegel Anatolien Mythen verschiedener Herkunft übernommen und mit ihrer eigenen culture verbunden.

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Download A Voice from the Civil Rights Era (Voices of by Frankye Regis PDF

By Frankye Regis

Frankye Regis recounts her youth as a black lady becoming up in rural segregated Mississippi through the Sixties and '70s. She was once a farmer's daughter, one in all 8 young ones, who spent her summer time vacation trips selecting cotton in her father's fields. She would not dare glance a white individual within the eye if she handed one in the street. Her highschool used to be now not built-in till 1980, 25 years after the Brown v. Board of Education choice said segregated colleges have been unlawful. all through her first-person memoir, Regis offers the historical past of the civil rights flow in an obtainable demeanour to assist scholars position the non-public narrative in historic context. unique and old images are supplied to aid readers greater comprehend the event of being in anyone else's shoes.

This is the 3rd ebook in a brand new sequence, Voices of 20th Century Conflict, directed in the direction of highschool scholars. each one tale during this sequence is informed via own vignettes and reflections that chronicle the existence and instances of the writer with old context unifying and clarifying the occasions. The energetic writing kind and fascinating tales aid background come alive for college students studying approximately Civil Rights. additionally incorporated are a sequence foreword, timeline, thesaurus, and Questions for dialogue and mirrored image for every bankruptcy. additionally to be had during this sequence are A Voice from the Holocaust and A Voice from the Vietnam War.

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Download Over de grens (Harry Bosch) (Dutch Edition) by Michael Connelly,Gert van Santen PDF

By Michael Connelly,Gert van Santen

Een spannende mystery met Harry Bosch én Mickey Haller in de hoofdrollen

Rechercheur Harry Bosch is web weg bij de LAPD als zijn halfbroer, advocaat Mickey Haller, zijn hulp inroept. Een vrouw is op brute wijze vermoord en het bewijs wijst in de richting van een cliënt van Haller. Maar Mickey is er zeker van dat het doorgestoken kaart is.

Bosch wil eigenlijk niet werken voor de verdediging maar hij neemt de zaak toch aan. Hij wil zelf ook antwoorden hebben: als het Hallers cliënt niet used to be, wie dan wel? Geholpen door zijn voormalig collega Lucy Soto begint Harry te graven. Hij komt al snel uit binnen de politiemacht zelf. Maar de moordenaar op wie Harry jaagt, is zelf ook aan het jagen... op hem.

De pers over Over de grens

‘Spannend, razendsnel en onmogelijk neer te leggen. Over de grens laat weer onweerlegbaar zien dat Connelly de meester van de spanningsopbouw is.’ Wall road Journal

‘Snel detectivewerk wordt meesterlijk ver weven met vuurwerk in de rechtszaal.’ The Independent

‘Bosch is bij de LAPD misschien uitgerangeerd, maar Connelly is nog steeds op de toppen van zijn kunnen als thrillerschrijver. Over de grens is een goed doordachte mystery die ingenieus en ambitieus in elkaar zit.’ Washington Post

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Download An Introduction to Queueing Theory: Modeling and Analysis in by U Narayan Bhat PDF

By U Narayan Bhat

This introductory textbook is designed for a one-semester direction on queueing concept that doesn't require a direction on stochastic techniques as a prerequisite. by means of integrating the required historical past on stochastic methods with the research of versions, the paintings presents a valid foundational advent to the modeling and research of queueing structures for a large interdisciplinary viewers of scholars in arithmetic, information, and utilized disciplines comparable to machine technological know-how, operations learn, and engineering. This version contains extra issues in technique and applications.

Key features:

• An introductory bankruptcy together with a ancient account of the expansion of queueing conception in additional than a hundred years.

• A modeling-based method with emphasis on identity of types

• Rigorous therapy of the principles of easy types well-known in functions with applicable references for complicated topics.

• A bankruptcy on matrix-analytic approach instead to the normal tools of research of queueing systems.

• A entire therapy of statistical inference for queueing systems.

• Modeling workouts and overview workouts whilst applicable.

The moment variation of An advent of Queueing thought can be used as a textbook by way of first-year graduate scholars in fields equivalent to laptop technology, operations study, commercial and structures engineering, in addition to comparable fields comparable to production and communications engineering. Upper-level undergraduate scholars in arithmetic, information, and engineering can also use the booklet in an introductory direction on queueing conception. With its rigorous assurance of easy fabric and vast bibliography of the queueing literature, the paintings can also be helpful to utilized scientists and practitioners as a self-study reference for purposes and additional research.

"...This booklet has introduced a freshness and novelty because it bargains usually with modeling and research in functions in addition to with statistical inference for queueing difficulties. along with his forty years of helpful adventure in educating and excessive point examine during this topic region, Professor Bhat has been capable of in attaining what he aimed: to make [the paintings] just a little diverse in content material and method from different books." - Assam Statistical evaluate of the 1st edition

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Download People Are Gonna Die by J. C. Tannelli PDF

By J. C. Tannelli

within the prosperous Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs, exact murders ensue at the same time a part mile aside. With a public in surprise, a taking pictures on I-285 motives a big pile-up killing numerous and injuring dozens. an absence of proof and intent has Detective Tom Brennan scratching his head looking for a lead. bold FBI Agent Linda Hunt is introduced into the combination to assist finish a madman's killing spree. suddenly, Brennan falls in love with a colourful lady and Hunt is distracted by means of discovering the fellow of her desires. With political strain construction, Brennan and Hunt need to concentration as a serial killer mocks legislations enforcement with promise that folks are gonna die....lots of them.

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Download Schwarzer Nebel: Ein Phoenix Krimi (German Edition) by Günther R. Leopold PDF

By Günther R. Leopold

Ein fesselnder Krimi in der culture von Agatha Christie und Edgar Wallace

Kann es am Anblick eines stillgelegten Bergbaubetriebes liegen? An einem gewöhnlichen Margarinebecher? Oder an dem verbrecherischen Komplott, das vor vielen Jahren in Ostafrika geschmiedet worden ist? Die ehrenwerten Gesellschafter der Britisch-Portugiesischen-Diamanten-Company finden sich in einem Zustand zermürbender Todesangst wieder. Denn das Vergessensserum "Schwarzer Nebel", einst von Dr. Staneville, Koryphäe auf dem Gebiet der Gedächtnisforschung und Mitglied der corporation, in Afrika entwickelt, entfaltet seine volle Wirkung: Einer nach dem anderen verliert sein Gedächtnis. Es gibt nur eine Frage: Wer wird der Nächste sein?

Samuel Hutchingson, seines Zeichens schrulliger Chefinspektor bei Sotland backyard und von allen nur »der Melancholiker« genannt, kommentiert die Lage mit seinem bekannten Ausspruch »Es ist traurig, wirklich sehr traurig«. Die gespielte Traurigkeit wird ihn nicht daran hindern, den Fall mit seinen eigenwilligen Methoden zu lösen. Doch zuvor sind viele lose Fäden dieser voneinander scheinbar völlig unabhängigen Ereignisse zu verknüpfen …

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Download Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 18th by Walfredo Cirne,Narayan Desai PDF

By Walfredo Cirne,Narayan Desai

This e-book constitutes the completely refereed post-conference court cases of the 18th overseas Workshop on activity Scheduling suggestions for Parallel Processing, JSSPP 2014, held in Phoenix, AZ, united states, in may well 2014. The nine revised complete papers offered have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 24 submissions. The papers hide the next themes: single-core parallelism; relocating to distributed-memory, larger-scale structures, scheduling equity; and parallel task scheduling.

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Download The Castle by Brent Maxwell PDF

By Brent Maxwell

The legendary Dukedom of Dornoch lies within the center of the medieval country of Scotia. in the back of the partitions of a huge fortress the Duke of Dornoch and his everyone is faced with an early iciness, extra sour than any in dwelling reminiscence. while, they're confronted with a surprising flip of occasions that spirals them down into the turmoil of invasion and conflict with in their so much old enemies, England and the scary Vikings. Duke Brian needs to rally his humans and guard them and chateau Dornoch, the impregnable fort that's their succour and their legal in the course of that frightened winter.

When the disappearance of a tender prince complicates issues, the fortress is rife with hearsay and political intrigue. The Duke and his attractive spouse Margaret are on the centre of the maelstrom, their deep love demonstrated via the traces in their country's wishes. a narrative of heroes, villains and traditional humans stuck up within the privation of warfare, The fortress is a suspenseful and sweeping saga of 1 people's trial and triumph.

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