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Download Millennials and the Workplace: Challenges for Architecting by Pritam Singh,Asha Bhandarker,Sumita Rai PDF

By Pritam Singh,Asha Bhandarker,Sumita Rai

Millennials and the office explores the quickly altering place of work atmosphere and its which means within the new millennium. It takes a glance on the younger generation-the Millennials-who don't settle for the 'status quo', who've moved from obedience to wondering, and who examine paintings by way of its importance in human existence and human nature.

The publication reviews the Millennials and profiles them in accordance with their demographic and psychographic historical past in addition to character components reminiscent of paintings locus of keep watch over, own values and success motivation, and so forth.

The authors spotlight the distance among what the Millennials anticipate and what they get on the place of work. The contours of the recent workplace-creating alignment among the individual's expectancies and the organization's offering-have been sketched intimately for keeping expertise. With those insights, the publication could be immensely helpful to all company execs, academia, and students.

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