By Nasir Mahmood
The first tale, for instance, is that of a boy whose rebellious nature, no longer accepting the norms of a corrupt society, struggles to accomplish a task at the foundation of his qualification, and never at the advice of a chum. one other tale bargains in defence of the motherland from the vicious assault of a rival strength. Then there's a tale which supplies a image photograph of a poverty-stricken housing scheme the place ladies, forgetting approximately their self-respect, hunch so low as to undertake a way of life, either execrable and pitiable… yet there are ladies and there are women!
In short, the publication touches on unemployment, indignity of a spiritual relatives, and inheritance inciting to homicide. a narrative every one describes the horrendous customized of taking away woman foetuses, the grotesque face of feudalism, and foundering efforts of a courtesan to flee to a righteous lifestyles. final yet now not least is the tale of knowledgeable formative years, who for wish of any average activity, inn to robbery.
The ebook takes you alongside on a trip which unravels an image of unspeakable distress a few individuals are subjected to. One may consider the milk of human kindness is drying up fast!
One may learn those tales that allows you to killing time, but when they pause and imagine… good, that's precisely what those tales are aimed at.
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