By Patricia Bauer,David Geister
Download Tillie Pierce: Teen Eyewitness to the Battle of Gettysburg by Tanya Anderson PDF

By Tanya Anderson
In gripping prose, Tillie Pierce: teenager Eyewitness to the of conflict Gettysburg takes readers backstage. and during Tillie’s personal phrases, the tale of 1 of the Civil War’s most renowned battles comes alive.
Download Duo # 2 - Mind Games/The Homeless Killer (VIGILANTE Series - by Claude Bouchard PDF

By Claude Bouchard
Captain Dave McCall and his exact murder job strength are in a annoyed frenzy as they struggle to carry an finish to the savage butchery...
Assisting formally is famous psychiatrist, health professional Samuel Bowman and unofficially, desktop genius and magnate, Chris Barry...
With every one passing day, McCall works his manner towards the truth...
Unaware that they're heading deep into the lethal center of...
Mind Games...
The Homeless Killer: The homeless of Montreal are demise on the hand of 'Allan', a serial killer set on ridding the town of road people...
... because the killer scoffs the police concerning the expanding physique count number, Captain Dave McCall calls on
the prone Jonathan Addley and Chris Barry, either operatives with the government's clandestine 'Discreet actions' team...
All whereas combating the city's proposed by-law banning the homeless from downtown parks, philanthropist and activist, William Enright, joins the law-enforcement campaign to catch the assassin...
... yet will the mixed efforts of the legislation and outdated cash be adequate to prevent the Homeless Killer?
Download Tatort Christkindlesmarkt: 12 Kurzkrimis aus Franken zur by Kein Autor oder Urheber PDF

By Kein Autor oder Urheber
schläft selbst im Angesicht der Stillen Nacht nicht. Der introduction öffnet neben festlichem Lichterglanz auch kriminellen Machenschaften Tür und Tor – das bezeugen jedenfalls zwölf namhafte Krimiautorinnen und -autoren, die in Eis und Schnee, bei Wind und Kälte als verdeckte Ermittler unterwegs waren, auf höchst verdächtige Spuren gestoßen sind und deren Verfolgung aufgenommen haben. So möchte mancher das Fest der Liebe lieber ohne seine »Lieben« verbringen, ein Erbe früher antreten, als vom Sensenmann vorgesehen, oder Rache üben für frevelhafte Tat. Nur eins ist sicher: Es wird spannend!
Download Revanche (German Edition) by Anna Katharina Bodenbach PDF

By Anna Katharina Bodenbach
Download Geestenkrijger (Dutch Edition) by Linda Dielemans PDF

By Linda Dielemans
Download Die Nacht des Zorns: Kriminalroman (Kommissar Rohleffs Fall) by Eva Maaser PDF

By Eva Maaser
Hauptkommissar Rohleff ist zutiefst erschüttert, als er die Leiche sieht, die Müllmänner in einem box in Steinfurt gefunden haben. Der junge Mann wurde regelrecht zerfleischt. Kurz darauf verschwindet einer der Ermittler samt seinem Motorrad. Hat er etwas mit dem Mord zu tun? Oder ist ihm eine Spur, die zu einer Motorradgang führt, zum Verhängnis geworden?
Die Presse über die Krimi-Reihe um Kommissar Rohleff: »Was Brunetti in Venedig kann, das ist für Rohleff Ehrensache.« Münstersche Zeitung – »Spannende Lektüre mit lokalem Bezug: Es brechen schwere Zeiten an für Donna Leon, Elisabeth George & Co.« Der Steinfurter
Jetzt als booklet kaufen und genießen: „Die Nacht des Zorns“ von Eva Maaser, der vierte Fall von Kommissar Rohleff. Wer liest, hat mehr vom Leben: dotbooks – der eBook-Verlag.
Download Making it Home: The Story of Catharine Parr Traill (Stories by Lynn Westerhout PDF

By Lynn Westerhout
As a pioneer in Canada within the early 1800s, Catharine Parr Traill was once one of many first writers to list the Ontario wasteland in literary and medical element, and her tales for teenagers grew to become a part of a brand new concentrate on youth. Her books on emigration inspired different pioneers who struggled with lifestyles in a brand new state. Catharine was once a normal storyteller who enjoyed to write down. As an grownup in Canada, she wrote whereas she was once hungry and apprehensive for her family’s safeguard. Her lifestyles used to be one in every of complication and event, but additionally of significant pleasure. This biography exhibits how an English woman known as Katie turned an grownup who gave rather a lot to North America’s early literature.
Download The Great Escape: Tunnel to Freedom (Young Voyageur) by Mike Meserole PDF

By Mike Meserole
ultimately, at the evening of March 24, 1944, approximately a hundred males tried to flee during the tunnel. What used to be their destiny? this can be one story of break out you will not are looking to miss!
Download The Acquisition of Florida: America's Twenty-Seventh State by Liz Sonneborn PDF

By Liz Sonneborn