By Claude Bouchard
Captain Dave McCall and his exact murder job strength are in a annoyed frenzy as they struggle to carry an finish to the savage butchery...
Assisting formally is famous psychiatrist, health professional Samuel Bowman and unofficially, desktop genius and magnate, Chris Barry...
With every one passing day, McCall works his manner towards the truth...
Unaware that they're heading deep into the lethal center of...
Mind Games...
The Homeless Killer: The homeless of Montreal are demise on the hand of 'Allan', a serial killer set on ridding the town of road people...
... because the killer scoffs the police concerning the expanding physique count number, Captain Dave McCall calls on
the prone Jonathan Addley and Chris Barry, either operatives with the government's clandestine 'Discreet actions' team...
All whereas combating the city's proposed by-law banning the homeless from downtown parks, philanthropist and activist, William Enright, joins the law-enforcement campaign to catch the assassin...
... yet will the mixed efforts of the legislation and outdated cash be adequate to prevent the Homeless Killer?
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