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Download Hate Crime and Restorative Justice: Exploring Causes, by Mark Austin Walters PDF

By Mark Austin Walters

The manufactured from an 18 month empirical learn which tested using restorative justice for hate crime within the uk, this ebook attracts jointly idea and perform with a view to study the factors and outcomes of hate crime victimisation. Hate Crime and Restorative Justice: Exploring reasons, Repairing Harms additionally identifies the most important procedure variables inside restorative perform that may aid to fix the harms of hatred. In doing so, it challenges
commonly held conceptions of either 'hate crime' and 'restorative justice' via its use of qualitative study of restorative interventions around the UK.

The study's findings offer unique information at the contextual variables which are intrinsic to either the reason and influence of hate-motivated offences, revealing complicated socio-cultural and socio-economic components which are basic, either to our realizing of hate crime and to how such incidents might be top resolved. via meticulous research and dialogue, the publication additionally offers new details on how restorative techniques can be utilized to fix the harms of hate and problem the prejudices
which provide upward thrust to hate-motivated conflicts. the difficulty of workforce id and cultural 'difference' among individuals of restorative justice is explored and tested by using distinctive case reports, permitting evaluation of even if dialogical limitations to reconciliation can restrict the success
of restorative approaches. particularly, the idea of 'community', a primary notion of restorative justice thought and perform, is reconceptualised by way of exploring either its therapeutic and harming features.

Utilising facts from the 1st learn of its variety, Hate Crime and Restorative Justice attracts jointly theoretical assumptions approximately restorative philosophy and empirical proof of its use for hate crime to supply a extra holistic figuring out of the way restorative justice might help fix the harms because of tactics of hate, whereas at the same time hard the identity-based prejudices that proceed to pervade our multicultural communities.

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