By Patricia Chipungu
Patricia is born in Harare, Zimbabwe. She went to fundamental and secondary university within the similar place.
After tuition she did education in secretarial paintings, which then led directly to Accountancy and after that she bought a task operating for The Posts and Telecommunications Cooperation in Harare.
Although she loved her service on the time, it didn’t rather fulfill her totally and spiritually…She regularly knew her calling hadn’t come yet.
In 1998 she then got here to England, merely then did her curiosity come into being a nurse, although at time she was once only a healthiness Care Assistant, it felt correct and he or she might pass domestic feeling satisfied.
She has been operating in the studying Disabilities atmosphere but if a chance to coach as an affiliate psychological healthiness Nurse Practioner arose, she jumped at it and loved the psychological health and wellbeing surroundings extra.
Patricia came upon it tougher and stimulating.
After education she practised for two years after which pursued extra education to procure a Bsc (Hons) in psychological Health.
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