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Download Victims’ Rights in Flux: Criminal Justice Reform in Colombia by Astrid Liliana Sánchez-Mejía PDF

By Astrid Liliana Sánchez-Mejía

Contributing to the literature on comparative felony process and Latin American legislation, this e-book examines the results of hostile felony justice reforms on victim’s rights by way of in particular interpreting the Colombian felony justice reform of the early 2000s. This examine makes a speciality of the creation, interpretation, and implementation of ideas and associations through exploring how diversified actors have hired the concept that of sufferers and sufferers’ rights to advertise their agendas within the context of felony justice reforms. It additionally analyzes how the objectives of those agendas have interplayed in practice.
By the early 2000s, it appeared that the Colombian legal justice procedure used to be headed in the direction of a strategy characterised by means of broader sufferer participation, basically as a result of doctrine of the Constitutional courtroom on sufferers’ rights. yet in 2002, the Colombian legal professional basic promoted a extra antagonistic legal justice reform. This publication argues that this reform represented a unexpected and unexpected reversal of the Constitutional Court’s doctrine on sufferer participation, even supposing one of many significant justifications for the reform used to be the necessity to fulfill human rights criteria and cling to the jurisprudence of the Constitutional courtroom on sufferers’ rights. within the legal justice reform of the early 2000s and its next variations, the advertising of a dichotomous interpretation of the antagonistic model—which conceived the felony method as a contest among prosecution and defense—served to restrict sufferer participation.
This examine examines how conceptions of sufferers’ rights emerged out of the struggles among assorted and now and then competing agendas. within the Colombian strategy of reform, sufferers’ rights were invoked either as a justification for legal sanctions and as an evidence for crime prevention and restorative justice. After assessing quantitative and qualitative info, this e-book concludes that punitive techniques to sufferers’ rights have prevailed over restorative justice views. additionally, it argues that punitiveness within the felony justice approach has no longer ended in extra defense for sufferers. eventually, this study unearths that the antagonistic felony justice reform of the early 2000s has now not considerably better the safety of sufferers’ rights in Colombia.

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