By Mark London Williams,Douglas Potter
Or Woody Guthrie wound up in a sweat inn rather than a hobo camp, while he was once using rails out West?
What if Lon Chaney, in Hollywood’s silent movie period, wandered onto the Cowboy-and-Indians set round the corner, and observed a wolfman who was once rather either wolf...and man?
Or at the least, coyote?
Any of those mistaken turns may have led to the story you carry on your fingers correct now.
It’s the tale of 2 mythical shape-shifters and boundary-busters -- Elijah, of Jewish folks story and Passover wine status, and Coyote, of local American and tail-on-fire renown -- crossing paths in Depression-Era California.
There are moves brewing, baseball groups forming, outlaws nonetheless unrectified and scofflaws newly minted. And moons to be howled at and danced under.
Dancing the Two Trickster Tango.
And they’d love so you might join.
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