By Andrew Cooper
In The Tragedy of Philosophy Andrew Cooper demanding situations the present concept of the demise of tragedy, arguing that this assumption displays a not easy view of either tragedy and philosophy—one that stifles the profound contribution that tragedy may supply to philosophy at the present time. to construct this example, Cooper provides a unique examining of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgment. even if this article is in general understood because the ultimate try and seal philosophy from the specter of tragedy, Cooper argues that Kant’s undertaking is quite an artistic engagement with a tragedy that's particular to philosophy, particularly, the inevitable failure of makes an attempt to grasp nature via wisdom. Kant’s come across with the tragedy of philosophy turns philosophy’s gaze from an unique concentrate on wisdom to concerns of residing good in an international that doesn't bend itself to our wants. Tracing the influence of Kant’s Critique of Judgment on probably the most well-known theories of tragedy, together with these of G. W. F. Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Cornelius Castoriadis, Cooper demonstrates how those philosophers expand the undertaking present in either Kant and the Greek tragedies: the try to snatch nature as a website hospitable to human life.
Andrew Cooper is a Postdoctoral study Fellow on the collage of Bonn, Germany.
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