By Jeffrey Miller
~ Michael C. Keith, Bits, Specks, Crumbs, Flecks
One of the main outstanding components in Jeffrey Miller’s brief tales is how he contains the reader in “place” even if it’s the army in Panama’s Canal sector, Thailand, Japan, Korea or the united states, the place “For Emily”, a super and chilling tale occurs. I’ve been inspired through his novels yet his brief tale assortment could be one who provides readers an perception into the intensity, wisdom and distinctiveness of his writing. this can be a read-more-than-once and proportion grouping of excellent tales from round the globe.
~ Paul Beckman, Peek
In this glorious sequence of brief tales, Jeffrey Miller takes us again to a unique form of “close encounters;” even if it’s navigating via awkward relationships with an estranged guardian, divorced wife or former lover, Miller publications us via a memorable cluster of news, which are insightful, relocating, and brimming with wander-lust. A needs to for any self-reflective reader!
~ Steve Caplan, Saving One
These stark stories of affection and loss are instructed with impressive concision. Any makes an attempt at fake poetry or armchair philosophy are cleared away and all we're left with is the center of the tale: a mom attempting to avoid North Korean gurus so she will be able to feed her kinfolk with funds earned from promoting narcotics on the chinese language border, a jilted husband returning domestic to not re-ignite a wedding yet to reclaim a long-forgotten debt. With settings that variety from an American wilderness desolate tract to a distant temple within the Korean nation-state, Jeffrey Miller takes us at the trip of a center that has been battered yet isn't but thoroughly broken.
~ Craig Fishbane, at the right position of Desire
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