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Download The Oxford Handbook of White-Collar Crime (Oxford Handbooks) by Shanna R. Van Slyke,Michael L. Benson,Francis T. Cullen PDF

By Shanna R. Van Slyke,Michael L. Benson,Francis T. Cullen

even if white-collar crime has prompted a great deal of harm on either the person and societal degrees, it frequently ranks under highway crime as an issue of public trouble. hence, white-collar crime is still an ambiguous or even arguable subject between lecturers, with a relative dearth of scholarly concentrate on the issue.

The Oxford guide of White-Collar Crime bargains a finished therapy of the main updated theories and learn concerning white-collar crime. participants take on an unlimited variety of themes, together with the effect of white-collar crime, the contexts within which white-collar crime happens, present crime rules and debates, and examinations of the criminals themselves. the amount concludes with a suite of essays that debate capability responses for controlling white-collar crime, in addition to promising new avenues for destiny examine. Uniting conceptual theories, empirical learn, and ethnographic info, the Handbook presents the 1st unified analytic framework on white-collar crime.

Given the astronomical combination losses to sufferers, development a extra nuanced knowing of the dynamics of white-collar crime is a subject of instant social problem. The definitive source on white-collar crime, this Handbook can be a worthwhile source for constructing either highbrow and policy-related solutions.

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