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Download Rottenseed! Cottonseed, Alzheimer's and Your Brain by Bruce Semon MD PhD PDF

By Bruce Semon MD PhD

This publication is written for those that need to know the place Alzheimer's is coming from and the way to avoid it. the place does Alzheimer's come from? In our foodstuff there's a cottonseed toxin that can visit the mind and tie vital buildings up randomly. This toxin is a perfect candidate for inflicting Alzheimer's. Why is that this toxin in our meals? Cottonseed, left over from cotton farming, comprises poisons yet is additionally fed to livestock, bird and fish. The poisons stay within the meat and fats of the animals. Then humans devour those pollutants as they devour this meat. at the very least this type of pollutants can cross the mind and reason Alzheimer's. the reply for those that have obvious family be afflicted by Alzheimer's is to prevent consuming cottonseed pollution. Dr. Semon is the 1st author to make clear the hidden perform of feeding toxic cottonseed to animals which individuals then devour. This booklet tells what the cottonseed pollution can do, the place they're, tips to keep away from them and why the biomedical learn institution has now not checked out them. This e-book describes Dr. Semon's personal experiments on feeding cottonseed to animals. This ebook is written to be simply comprehensible and doesn't require any detailed historical past to read.

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