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Download Race on Trial: Black Defendants in Ontario's Criminal by Barrington Walker PDF

By Barrington Walker

While slavery in Canada was once abolished in 1834, discrimination remained. Race on Trial contrasts formal felony equality with pervasive styles of social, felony, and attitudinal inequality in Ontario by means of documenting the historical past of black Ontarians who seemed earlier than the felony courts from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries.

Using capital case records and the assize documents for Kent and Essex counties, components that had major black populations simply because they have been termini for the Underground Railroad, Barrington Walker investigates the boundaries of freedom for Ontario's African Canadians. via courtroom transcripts, depositions, detention center documents, Judge's Bench Books, newspapers, and executive correspondence, Walker identifies traits in fees and convictions within the Black inhabitants. This exploration of the complicated and sometimes contradictory internet of racial attitudes and the values of white criminal elites not just exposes how blackness was once articulated in Canadian legislation but in addition bargains an extraordinary glimpse of black lifestyles as skilled in Canada's past.

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