Download Alsace, les Petites histoires de la Vieille (French Edition) by Pierre-Jean Brassac PDF

By Pierre-Jean Brassac

Alsace, les Petites histoires de los angeles Vieille - Rares sont les ouvrages qui vont chercher ce qui se cache derrière cette terre de cartes postales. Or notre vieux terroir possède bien des trésors, bien des légendes. Personne ne sait où habite « l. a. Vieille », mais elle accepte de raconter à Pierre-Jean Brassac les vieilles histoires transmises de génération en génération. Des histoires bien malicieuses que seule los angeles Vieille pouvait nous restituer. Ces histoires vont vous faire sourire, vous faire peur, et vous faire rêver...

C’est une émotion de l. a. basic réalité qui vous est proposée : c’est l’homme d’hier et l’homme contemporain qui vous sont rapportés dans ces nouvelles de terroir.

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Download Killing Season by Faye Kellerman PDF

By Faye Kellerman

New York Times bestselling writer Faye Kellerman promises an electrifying novel of suspense as a tender man’s research into his sister’s loss of life attracts him into the trail of a sadistic serial killer.

THE extra you recognize, THE extra there's TO FEAR…

He went trying to find the reality. Now a killer has came across him.

Three years in the past, fifteen-year-old Ellen Vicksburg went lacking within the quiet city of River Remez, New Mexico. at the first anniversary of her loss of life, her brother Ben discovered her physique in a shallow grave via the river’s edge.

The police think she was once the sufferer of a identified psychopath. yet Ben keeps to pore over the facts, gaining an not going best friend in Ro Majors, the hot woman in class. In his sister’s records, they see styles that don’t healthy – tiny threads that hyperlink Ellen’s case to comparable unsolved murders.

As the physique count number rises, an image emerges of a killer who's as crafty as he's twisted. It’s just a subject of time earlier than Ben’s obsession marks him as a danger and uncovering the reality will not be sufficient to maintain him and people he loves safe.

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Download 机智人物 (Chinese Edition) by 拉希德·高希尔 PDF

By 拉希德·高希尔


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Download Urban Expansion Monitoring in Erbil City. Utilizing Remote by Gaylan Rasul Faqe Ibrahim PDF

By Gaylan Rasul Faqe Ibrahim

Master's Thesis from the yr 2013 within the topic Geography / Earth technology - Cartography, Geographic details technology and Geodesy, Sheffield Hallam college (Sheffield Hallam University), language: English, summary: tracking city land use/cover alterations supply spatio-temporal info at the development and the volume of the alterations that has taken position around the land use/cover periods, and the knowledge acquired from the city enlargement are helpful for sustainable making plans and administration of city resources.

distant sensing innovations supply speedy and potent potential for classifying and mapping city land cove/use switch via interpreting spectra features of multi-dates satellite tv for pc photos. lately, Kurdistan sector towns have witnessed a quick development of the city charges as a result of earlier socio-economic and political adaptations within the region. the aim of the learn is to examine and visualize spatial trend of city land use alterations in Erbil city-Kurdistan and to quantify the volume of adaptations within the land use sessions through making use of distant sensing approach.

The examine examines multi-dates Landsat five TM imageries for 1987, 2000 and 2011 through the use of supervised category of utmost probability classifier to exhibit and degree the alterations within the land use/classes in ERDAS 9.1 think processing software program. The accuracy of the general type was once measured by utilizing confusion metrics and Kappa coefficient to check total accuracy class. The research accomplished an total accuracy which cost from ninety five, 96.43 and 94.29 in 1987, 2000 and 2011 respectively, which exhibits that the examine has accomplished an important point of classes.

The consequence of the examine printed that the examine zone has remarkably skilled alterations in its land use/cover in the course of the interval of the research as outfitted up zone used to be elevated by means of (3975.66 to 6123.7 hectares) over in 1987 to 2000, and (6123.7 to 12755.1 hectares) in 2000 to 2011. nonetheless, the quantity of different sessions has drastically declined throughout the interval of the research from. facts from the publish category research has proven that open land and plants periods have skilled the main major adjustments of premiums within the city land in the course of the interval of the learn. for instance, the speed of alterations from open land to city land is (5084.46), while the speed of the plants that switched over to city land is (2130.69).

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Download Rattenlinien (German Edition) by Martin von Arndt PDF

By Martin von Arndt

Europa 1946: Der Kontinent liegt in Schutt und Asche, und einer der entsetzlichsten Hungerwinter des Jahrhunderts wirft seine Schatten voraus. Die deutschen Mörder versuchen sich auf den sogenannten »Rattenlinien« über die Alpen und Italien nach Übersee abzusetzen. Andreas Eckart, in der Weimarer Republik bei der Berliner Kripo und später in die united states geflohen, wird von einem Spezialkommando der Amerikaner angeheuert, Jagd auf flüchtige Kriegsverbrecher zu machen – schließlich konnte Eckart früher wertvolle Erfahrungen im Naziabwehrkampf sammeln und spricht perfekt Italienisch. Zunächst zögert der traumatisierte und in die Jahre gekommene Exkommissar – doch schnell wird klar, dass die Amerikaner seinen ehemaligen Kollegen und Rivalen Wagner, den »Schlächter von Baranawitschy«, im Visier haben. Die Spur führt zu einem geheimnisvollen Kloster in den Alpen ...

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Download Renton Nimbus and the Keys of Time (The Chronicles of by Brothers Lake PDF

By Brothers Lake

The Furai, a complicated alien race, are the one factor status within the method of the bloodthirsty Ventron. The Ventron's enormous numbers and hope for galatic conquest have positioned the universe in nice peril. Renton Nimbus is a tender Furai cadet, bearing a burden of provider within the face of an overpowering enemy. The Furai, even though, have numerous monstrous benefits over their great and strong foe: larger guns, swifter ships, and a brand new biotechnology referred to as the Infusion. determined instances have known as for determined measures, and the Furai best Justice of the Peace has signed an order endorsing conscription of different species to strengthen their dwindling numbers. earthlings have piqued the curiosity of the Furai conscription groups, and briefly time locate themselves in the course of a warfare they understand not anything approximately! All isn't peaceable in the Furai conclave, political schemes and machinations abound, and belief is briefly offer. Furai outlaws have additionally began to prepare, and threats from inside and with no darken the lives of all sentient beings within the identified galaxies. Relentlessly pushing medical conception as writers with Renton Nimbus and the Keys of Time, the Brothers Lake have crafted a rare story set within the sleek age. Their specific and creative universe is the atmosphere for a gripping event of conflict, love, development and private sacrifice.

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Download Die unsichtbare Katze: und andere magische Kurzgeschichten by Eilwen Guggenbühl PDF

By Eilwen Guggenbühl

Das vorliegende Buch besteht aus grösstenteils gechannelten Kurzgeschichten, die uns berühren und zum Nachdenken und Schmunzeln anregen sollen.

„Wir, die Wesen der Anderswelt, teilen uns Euch hier mit. Auf unsere paintings: Spielerisch, neckend, fröhlich, nachdenklich und tränenüberströmt, genau so, wie es in diesem Augenblick gebraucht wird. Wir regen Euch an (hoffen wir), Euch auf die Suche nach Eurem Wahren Kern zu machen und Euch zu erlauben, die Magie und den Zauber der Anderswelt wieder in Euer Leben zu lassen. Träumt, phantasiert und spinnt Geschichten: Dies ist der beste und direkteste Weg in Euer Herz und Eure Seele.“

Einige der Themen:
Die unsichtbare Katze und wie sie plötzlich sichtbar wird.
Die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Tiere und used to be das in Bezug auf einen „tyrannischen Chef“ bewirken kann.
Der Prinz, der Drache, dessen Frau und was once es bringt, wenn guy manchmal etwas nicht bemerkt.
Der Schmetterling, der lernt, zielgruppenorientiert zu denken, und es plötzlich viel einfacher hat.
Der Fuchs, der den ganzen Wald in Bewegung setzt, nur um ein romantisches Stelldichein mit seiner Frau zu haben.
Wie eine expense in ihren Träumen die Welt verändert.
Drei Katzen, die nach einigen Irrungen und Wirrungen ihren Platz in der Welt finden.
Die Blumenfee, die lernt, dass nichts für immer ist - weder das Leben noch der Tod.
Wie guy manchmal erst alles aufgeben muss, um alles zu gewinnen.

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Download Gli eroi della guerra di Troia (Italian Edition) by Giorgio Ieranò PDF

By Giorgio Ieranò

Le storie avvincenti degli eroi cantati da Omero. Il racconto sorprendente di quello che Omero non dice.

Chi erano davvero gli eroi e le eroine della guerra di Troia? Quali sono le storie più autentiche e segrete delle determine cantate nell’Iliade e nell’Odissea? Questo libro racconta in modo nuovo i protagonisti della grande epopea omerica che tutti abbiamo studiato a scuola. Ma racconta anche quello che Omero non cube, scavando nella miniera di leggende, spesso frammentarie ed enigmatiche, che gli antichi ci hanno lasciato. Così, intorno agli amori di Achille, agli inganni di Ulisse, alle avventure favolose di Elena, rinasce tutta una costellazione di eroi perduti.

«Le storie degli eroi di Ieranò parlano di uomini e donne straordinari e imprevedibili»
Francesco Pacifico, los angeles REPUBBLICA

«Ieranò sa raccontare l’antico con intelligenza, competenza, leggerezza»

«A rendere coinvolgente questa grande saga sulla mitologia greca è l. a. capacità dell’autore di coniugare competenza e profondità culturale con una leggerezza che non toglie nulla al fascino del racconto»

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Download Treasury of Greek Mythology: Classic Stories of Gods, by Donna Jo Napoli,Christina Balit PDF

By Donna Jo Napoli,Christina Balit

School Library magazine most sensible Books of 2011

Eureka! Silver Honor Books—California studying Association

Capitol offerings 2012 record of Noteworthy Titles for kids and Teens

2012 impressive kid's Books—ALSC

The new nationwide Geographic Treasury of Greek Mythology bargains undying tales of Greek myths in a gorgeous new quantity. delivered to lifestyles with lyrical textual content by means of award-winning writer Donna Jo Napoli and gorgeous paintings via award-winning illustrator Christina Balit, the stories of gods and goddesses corresponding to Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Athena and heroes and monsters resembling Helen of Troy, Perseus, and Medusa will fascinate and have interaction children’s imaginations.
National Geographic completes the e-book with gildings of every tale: sidebars for every god, goddess, hero, and monster hyperlink the myths to constellations, geography, historical past, and tradition to assist younger readers attach the tales to genuine existence occasions, humans, and locations. A genealogy and a “cast of characters” profile web page assist in making relationships among the characters transparent, and a mapping function provides to the thrill and fascination. source notes and considerable again subject directing readers to additional info around out this luminous publication. certain to dazzle all these intrigued with the wonderful stories of Greek mythology and enchant new readers, this shiny publication will quickly develop into a family members keepsake.

National Geographic helps K-12 educators with ELA universal center Resources.
Visit for extra information.

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Download Digital Archetypes: Adaptations of Early Temple Architecture by Dr David Beynon,Professor Sambit Datta PDF

By Dr David Beynon,Professor Sambit Datta

This certain booklet provides a wide multi-disciplinary exam of early temple structure in Asia, written through specialists in electronic reconstruction and the background and thought of Asian architecture.

The authors learn the archetypes of Early Brahmanic, Hindu and Buddhist temple structure from their origins in north western India to their next unfold and version eastwards into Southeast Asia. whereas the epic monuments of Asia are popular, less is understood in regards to the connections among their construction traditions, specifically the typical topics and mutual impacts within the early structure of Java, Cambodia and Champa. whereas others have made major historiographic connections among those temple construction traditions, this booklet unravels, for the 1st time, the in particular compositional and architectural linkages alongside the buying and selling routes of South and Southeast Asia.

Through electronic reconstruction and restoration of 3 dimensional temple varieties, the authors have constructed a electronic dataset of early Indian antecedents, demonstrated new applied sciences for the purchase of equipped historical past and built new equipment for comparative research of equipped shape geometry. total the e-book provides a unique method of the learn of history and illustration in the framework of rising electronic thoughts and methods.

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