Download Leona: The Die Is Cast by Jenny Rogneby PDF

By Jenny Rogneby

This best-selling Scandinavian mystery follows its heroine as she investigates a high-profile theft for Stockholm's Violent Crimes Division.

Naked and bloody, a seven-year-old woman walks right into a financial institution in significant Stockholm in wide sunlight and will get away with thousands. Leona Lindberg of Stockholm's Violent Crimes department is of the same opinion to paintings at the case. With a protracted, wonderful heritage within the police strength, she turns out the proper selection. yet Leona is grappling with deep problems with her own--a playing dependancy, a strained marriage--that may perhaps jeopardize the research. As she struggles to maintain the risky items of her lifestyles less than keep watch over, the road among correct and fallacious turns into more and more unclear--and even irrelevant. 

This is a hard-boiled crime novel, full of unforeseen twists and turns, that includes an strange heroine. Leona makes for gripping interpreting whereas not easy female norms and posing questions about what lies in the back of the alternatives we make.

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Download Mathematical Models, Methods and Applications (Industrial by Abul Hasan Siddiqi,Pammy Manchanda,Rashmi Bhardwaj PDF

By Abul Hasan Siddiqi,Pammy Manchanda,Rashmi Bhardwaj

the current quantity includes invited talks of eleventh biennial convention on “Emerging Mathematical tools, versions and Algorithms for technological know-how and Technology”. the most message of the booklet is that arithmetic has an excellent power to examine and comprehend the hard difficulties of nanotechnology, biotechnology, scientific technological know-how, oil and monetary know-how. The e-book highlights all of the good points and major subject mentioned within the convention. All contributing authors are eminent academicians, scientists, researchers and students of their respective fields, hailing from round the world.

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Download La casse: Ne squattez pas à Lille ! (Polars en Nord t. 164) by Marc Ménis PDF

By Marc Ménis

Au cœur de l’ancienne gare de triage de Lille, le cadavre d’un chien est retrouvé baignant dans une mare de sang. À ses côtés, le corps sans vie d’une certaine Sweetie. Squattant les lieux avec sa tribu, los angeles jeune fille revendiquait sa rupture avec los angeles société. Alors que le commissaire Sandre prend en cost l’enquête, son adjoint Morel se voit attribuer une affaire le replongeant des décennies en arrière, dans le quartier de son enfance. Désorienté, manipulé, le policier devient le jouet d’un prédateur. Et s’embourbe dans le sordide, à l’instar de Sandre. Pour les deux hommes, de faux-semblants en faux-fuyants, il n’y a bientôt plus qu’un mauvais pas à franchir.


La sonnerie du transportable l’interrompit en plein set. C’était Morel. Il appuya nerveusement sur los angeles touche pause de l’autoradio et saisit son cellular avec dépit. Mélanger musique et travail le contrariait.
– Sandre, bonjour.
– Pas los angeles peine de passer au commissariat, on se retrouve direct à l’ancienne gare de marchandises, side road Jean-Baptiste-Lebas, annonça Morel sans même prendre le temps d’une amabilité.
– Qu’est-ce qui se passe ?
– On vient de découvrir le corps d’une fille d’une vingtaine d’années…
– Mais encore… Tu peux peut-être m’expliquer ?
– On vient de trouver une squatteuse morte dans le taudis qui lui servait de piaule.
– Overdose ?
– los angeles réponse est non. Plus not easy… Elle baigne dans son sang. Rapplique fissa et tu verras par toi-même.
– J’arrive dans cinq mins. Le temps de faire l. a. route.
Déprimé par l’annonce de cette découverte, Sandre mit un terme à ses joies musicales. Il éteignit rageusement le lecteur de CD. Vingt-cinq ans de métier ne l’avaient pas aguerri à l. a. violence ordinaire et los angeles froideur de Morel l’exaspérait chaque jour davantage. Il parvint rapidement à l’ancienne gare de triage, gara sa voiture à l’extérieur du website et poursuivit son chemin à pied. Belle matinée en perspective.


Né à los angeles fin des années 50, Marc Ménis a lancé le pageant « Les Rencontres » manifestation fondatrice des arts de l. a. rue en France et récompensée par le prix de l’innovation culturelle. En 2002, il crée l’association Bazar ; il met ainsi en œuvre des événements majeurs, notamment ceux liés au projet lille3000 et à l. a. gare Saint-Sauveur.
Parmi ses centres d’intérêt, Marc Ménis affectionne particulièrement le cirque, le cinéma et le théâtre. Sans oublier, bien sûr, les livres. Fred Vargas, Rudyard Kipling, Oscar Wilde… sont quelques uns de ses auteurs favoris.
Ce Lillois de longue date est également un passionné de musique. Fortement marqué par les rythmes du punk londonien et les morceaux des conflict, il devient à l. a. fin des années 70 le bassiste d’un groupe punk lillois. Aujourd’hui, s’il a quitté ses behavior de musicien, il n’en reste pas moins un mélomane averti : le rock a sa préférence avec « des grosses guitares qui cognent ». Pas étonnant alors que son most excellent polar, La casse, laisse une position de choix à une chanson des Ramones. Imprégné d’une size sociale importante, ce roman policier révèle avec subtilité l’humain et ses contradictions.

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Download The Battle of Bunker Hill: A History Perspectives Book by Marcia Amidon Lusted PDF

By Marcia Amidon Lusted

This booklet relays the genuine info of the conflict of Bunker Hill that came about throughout the American innovative conflict. The narrative offers a number of money owed of the development, and readers study information throughout the perspective of a Minuteman, a British soldier, and a colonial lady working an lodge. This e-book deals possibilities to check and distinction a number of views in a textual content whereas collecting and studying information regarding an old event.

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Download Verifying Calculations - Forty Years On: An Overview of by Ludovic Chamoin,Pedro Díez PDF

By Ludovic Chamoin,Pedro Díez

This paintings presents an summary of a posteriori error overview recommendations for Finite aspect (FE) dependent numerical types. those instruments objective at estimating and controlling the discretization mistakes in clinical computational versions, being the foundation for the numerical verification of the FE options. The textual content discusses the features and obstacles of classical methods to construct mistakes estimates which are used to regulate the standard of numerical simulations and force adaptive algorithms, with a spotlight on Computational Mechanics engineering functions. basics rules of residual equipment, smoothing (recovery) tools, and constitutive relation errors (duality established) equipment are therefore addressed alongside the manuscript. recognition is paid to fresh advances and approaching study demanding situations on similar issues.  The e-book constitutes an invaluable consultant for college students, researchers, or engineers wishing to procure insights into state of the art ideas for numerical verification.

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Download Das Schweigen von Brodersby: Ein Landarzt-Krimi (German by Stefanie Ross PDF

By Stefanie Ross

Der ehemalige KSK-Soldat Jan hurricane übernimmt auf der Suche nach einem Neuanfang die Landarztpraxis in Brodersby, einer idyllischen Gemeinde zwischen Schlei und Ostsee. Denn nach einem traumatischen Afghanistaneinsatz will er nur noch vergessen – und der kleine Ort scheint ihm meilenweit entfernt von Schusswunden, Explosionen und Toten.
Als er erfährt, dass sein kerngesunder Vorgänger unter mysteriösen Umständen verstarb, und weitere Dorfbewohner plötzlich zusammenbrechen, beschließt er, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Doch damit bringt er nicht nur sich, sondern auch Arzthelferin Lena in tödliche Gefahr – denn seine Gegner haben ihn längst im Visier …

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Download Contes des provinces de France: Contes populaires (Les by Paul Sébillot PDF

By Paul Sébillot

Alsace, Anjou, Auvergne, can pay Basque, Bourgogne, Bresse, Bretagne, Champagne, Corse, Forez, Gascogne, Nivernais, Normandie, Picardie, Poitou, Provence, Quercy…. C’est en fait une sélection des plus beaux contes de terroirs publiés dans l. a. Revue des traditions populaires qu'’il dirigeait que nous proposait en 1884 Paul SEBILLOT. Les contes ont été collectés par SEBILLOT lui-même ou par quelques autres grandes plumes de l. a. collecte (CARNOY, MILLIEN, FLEURY et quelques autres). Un extraordinaire voyage aux confins de l'’imaginaire populaire. À ne pas manquer pour tous ceux qui aiment leurs racines.

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Download Solving the Mind-Body Problem by the CODAM Neural Model of by John G. Taylor PDF

By John G. Taylor

This e-book information a version of awareness supported through clinical experimental facts from the human mind. It offers how the Corollary Discharge of consciousness circulation (CODAM) neural community version permits a systematic figuring out of attention in addition to offers an answer to the Mind-Body challenge. The e-book presents readers with a basic method of cognizance that's robust adequate to guide to the interior self and its ramifications for the huge diversity of human reviews. It additionally deals an method of the evolution of human realization and lines chapters on psychological sickness (especially schizophrenia) and on meditative states (including drug-induced states of mind). fixing the Mind-Body challenge bridges the space that exists among philosophers of brain and the neuroscience neighborhood, permitting the big weight of theorizing at the nature of brain to be delivered to earth and positioned less than the probing gaze of the medical proof of lifestyles and mind.

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Download Russian Arctic Seas: Navigational conditions and accidents by Nataly Marchenko PDF

By Nataly Marchenko

For secure operations within the Arctic, it truly is serious to appreciate the normal stipulations and to profit from the reviews of ice pilots who've labored there. within the context of making plans the PetroArctic undertaking, money owed of seagoing actions within the Russian Arctic Seas that ersulted in injuries were collected and at the moment are made to be had during this bilingual (Russian-English) quantity. the following particularly, the actual atmosphere and navigation concerns for the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas are defined. absolutely 1/2 the e-book describes injuries brought on via heavy ice stipulations due to the fact 1900: ninety four injuries are conscientiously said and labeled. between those, the injuries contain shipwrecks, pressured go with the flow (ice jet as precise case), overwintering, and numerous kinds of vessel harm. so much money owed contain information similar to distinguishing good points, habit of the staff, photographs, and maps, which show ice stipulations, date, situation, and vessels concerned (for every one of 4 seas). The booklet can be important to scientists, commercial planners and a large viewers drawn to the Arctic Seas.

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Download Qualitative Reasoning: Modeling and the Generation of by Hannes Werthner PDF

By Hannes Werthner

The publication presents a survey in regards to the box of Qualitative Reasoning, it contrasts and classifies its ways and places them right into a universal framework. Qualitative Reasoning represents an strategy of synthetic Intelligence to version dynamic structures, approximately which little details is out there, and to derive statements concerning the strength habit of those structures, placing emphasis on a causal rationalization of the habit. either variables and relationships among variables are defined through qualitative phrases similar to small and massive or optimistic and unfavorable. considering the fact that this method additionally takes under consideration the best way how people cause approximately actual structures, it may be said that Qualitative Reasoning participates within the production of a cognitive concept of non-numerical approach descriptions which might be mapped onto a electronic computing device. This process can be utilized for simulation, prognosis, layout, constitution identity and interpretation. parts of program are physics, medication, the sphere of ecology, method keep an eye on, and so forth. as well as the class of current equipment, the e-book offers a brand new strategy according to fuzzy units. And the paintings relates Qualitative Reasoning with such fields of professional platforms, procedure idea and Cognitive Science.

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