By Stefan Lorenz Sorgner,Oliver Furbeth,H. James Birx,Michael Spitzer,Susan H. Gillespie
Though many recognized German philosophers have dedicated substantial recognition to song and its aesthetics, unusually few in their writings at the topic were translated into English. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, a thinker, and Oliver Fürbeth, a musicologist, right here fill this crucial hole for musical students and scholars alike with this compelling consultant to the musical discourse of ten of an important German philosophers, from Kant to Adorno.
Music in German Philosophy contains contributions from a well known workforce of ten students, together with a few of today’s such a lot favourite German thinkers, all of whom are experts within the writers they deal with. every one bankruptcy comprises a brief biographical cartoon of the thinker involved, a precis of his writings on aesthetics, and at last a close exploration of his innovations on song. The e-book is prefaced via the editors’ unique creation, offering song philosophy in Germany ahead of and after Kant, in addition to a brand new creation and foreword to this English-language addition, which locations contemplations on song via those German philosophers inside a broader highbrow climate.
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