By Glenn Schweitzer
Glenn Schweitzer was once 24 years outdated and in his senior 12 months of school whilst an assault of violent vertigo replaced his lifestyles endlessly. He was once clinically determined with Meniere’s sickness, a posh and debilitating power ailment that factors vertigo, tinnitus, ear strain, and revolutionary listening to loss. To today, there's nonetheless no therapy or maybe an knowing of what factors it. yet he finally came across how one can cope and used to be in a position to take again his healthiness, piece by means of piece.
Through Glenn’s terrifying, but inspiring tale, and with dozens of particular actionable innovations, it is possible for you to to take again keep watch over of your existence, too. it is possible for you to to stand your Meniere’s sickness with out worry. you'll learn how to deal with your indicators and dwell in concord along with your sickness. And most significantly of all, you are going to learn how to thrive back.
No topic how lengthy you could have suffered, this booklet can assist you to recover. Meniere’s illness won't outline you. It can't and won't ever be higher than your dreams.
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