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Download Maximum Exposure: 42 Stories from Probation by P. O. Doe PDF

By P. O. Doe

As one in all his assignments as a Probation Officer, the writer used to be assigned to the presentence investigations unit. those reviews are accomplished for many defendants after jury trial or plea discount and ahead of sentencing, until there's a scenario that the defendant can waive the record. The content material of the presentence file varies, however it typically comprises legal background, earlier functionality on supervised unlock (parole or probation), a precis of the offense, negotiated plea (if any), legal professional statements, assertion from the criminal, fines and charges, time in custody, social elements (upbringing, relations events, employment, army, funds, schooling, mental/physical future health, gang historical past and alcohol/drug use), and irritating and mitigating elements. this can be via an overview, disposition and a suggestion.

During the years the writer used to be assigned to this unit, he accomplished over 500 presentence studies. those investigations incorporated a few dozen experiences on homicides (including one double homicide and targeted conditions murders), virtually 3 times that quantity in stories on intercourse crimes, over a hundred experiences on violence and weapons and the stability of the stories on alcohol, narcotics and estate similar crimes. This booklet contains the forty two finest of those circumstances, such a lot of them together with a precis of the case; the various history elements, the assessment for the courtroom and the particular sentence. each one contains the author’s recommendations in regards to the case.

The content material of this e-book is intended to inform the tales of a few of the issues he saw in the course of his project. it's intended to supply info for a few readers in that it provides examples of the reviews for the kinds of crimes which are integrated. yes content material, resembling names, particular dates and destinations were purposefully got rid of to maintain required confidentiality of legal files. A probation officer or different investigator doing a presentence document might locate it valuable whilst finishing an analogous document in their personal. For others, it truly is intended to supply leisure in examining concerning the tales and results of genuine lifestyles crime.

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