By Brad James Glenn
Lemons on Venus includes a variety of tales by means of writer Brad Glenn. From small cities to metropolitan towns, from laboratories to overgrown cemeteries, Brad Glenn weaves humanity into those tales of contemplation and loss.
After Momma Died sporting the Jelly child is a distinct award successful tale from the BC Federation of Writers. It tells the tale of a tender lady and her kin facing the lack of her mom in the course of childbirth. Her existence is became on finish whilst she will get visited by means of the unborn baby, whose motivations are unclear.
The Frustrations of kinfolk 19 tells the tale of a kin below severe strain, they usually take care of their concerns through pushing them down till they explode out. Tensions develop in the kinfolk, and it truly is affecting the youngsters in stranger and stranger ways.
The Spirit Grove Cemetery is a sombre ghost tale of a boy who loses his brother in a motor vehicle coincidence, and their kin falls except the tragedy. Worse nonetheless, the boy can listen his brother crying, and has to assist him, and his family.
A Carnival in Dry Lands is a interval piece telling the tale of a small city being affected by drought, and a slick carnival saleman who involves city promoting lightning rods guarenteed to draw rain and storms. whereas definitely an enticing suggestion, the various townsfolk begin to doubt the legitimacy of the lightning rods, and look forward to the arriving of the storms.
Lemons on Venus tells the tale of a tender scientist who has performed amazing issues in her occupation, yet is dealing with the toughest demanding situations of her lifestyles, either along with her task and her love life.
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