By Peter Fritzson
Modelica, the hot object-based software/hardware modeling language that's fast rising in popularity worldwide, deals a nearly common method of high-level computational modeling and simulation. It handles a extensive variety of program domain names, for instance mechanics, electric platforms, keep an eye on, and thermodynamics, and enables normal notation in addition to robust abstractions and effective implementations. utilizing the flexible Modelica language and its linked know-how, this article offers an object-oriented, component-based technique that enables readers to quick grasp the fundamentals of computer-supported equation-based object-oriented (EOO) mathematical modeling and simulation.
Throughout the textual content, Modelica is used to demonstrate some of the points of modeling and simulation. while, a couple of key innovations underlying the Modelica language are defined with using modeling and simulation examples. This book:
Examines simple recommendations corresponding to platforms, types, and simulations
Guides readers during the Modelica language using numerous step by step examples
Introduces the Modelica category idea and its use in graphical and textual modeling
Explores modeling method for non-stop, discrete, and hybrid systems
Presents an outline of the Modelica normal Library and key Modelica version libraries
Readers will locate lots of examples of types that simulate targeted program domain names in addition to examples that mix numerous domain names. all of the examples and routines within the textual content can be found through DrModelica. This digital self-teaching software, freely to be had at the text's better half site, courses readers from uncomplicated, introductory examples and routines to extra complex ones.
Written by means of the Director of the Open resource Modelica Consortium, Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Technical and actual platforms with Modelica is suggested for engineers and scholars attracted to computer-aided layout, modeling, simulation, and research of technical and ordinary platforms. by means of development on simple suggestions, the textual content is perfect for college kids who are looking to research modeling, simulation, and item orientation.
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