By Jean-Luc Nancy,Philip Armstrong
For Nancy, intoxication constitutes an extra that either fascinates and questions philosophy’s sober goals for applicable sorts of philosophical habit and conceptual lucidity. even as, intoxication displaces a couple of proven dualities—reason and keenness, brain and physique, rationality and wish, rigor and extra, readability and confusion, common sense and eros.
Taking its element of departure from Baudelaire’s express central to appreciate modernity—“be inebriated always”—Nancy’s little publication consists in fragments, quotations, drunken asides, and under the influence of alcohol repetitions. His modern “banquet” addresses various comparable issues, together with the position of alcohol and intoxication in rituals, myths, divine sacrifice, and spiritual symbolism, all these toasts to the sacred “spirits” concerning libations and various kinds of speech and enunciation—to the gods, to modernity, to absolutely the. Affecting either brain and physique, Nancy’s topic turns into intoxicated: Ego sum, ego existo ebrius—I am, I exist—drunk.
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