By Henry Ehrlich
Take a glance behind the curtain at a doctor and researcher who bridges nice traditions in her seek to win the struggle opposed to sickness. Born and expert in China, Dr. Xiu-Min Li educated in either conventional chinese language medication and Western drugs. writer Henry Ehrlich calls her a "Rosetta Stone" for her skill to imagine at the same time in either structures and to acknowledge the opportunity of chinese language natural medications for treating immune ailments, comparable to eczema, bronchial asthma, foodstuff bronchial asthma and autoimmune problems, that face up to traditional remedies.
The publication records the instant whilst Dr. Li made up our minds to commit herself to gaining knowledge of nutrients asthma, an ever-increasing challenge within the Western international and around the globe, by means of particular bills of the technological know-how that indicates foodstuff asthma might be conquered. This "love letter to technology" concludes with a glance on the way forward for this treatment during the eyes of scientists and clinical clinicians, showcasing the original perception Li has into the realm of allergic reaction remedy and her imaginative and prescient of "integrative medicine".
"Henry Ehrlich has given mom and dad like me a superb present: a publication that explains the technology, reasoning and development of a very likely life-changing remedy. His painstaking learn and devotion to element honor our kids." -Susan Weissman, writer of Feeding Eden: the pains and Triumphs of a meals allergic reaction Family
"A masterful activity of distilling loads of complicated fabric into verbiage that may be understood through the non-scientist, albeit a pointy non-scientist, and entire in an exciting style." Dr. Arnold I. Levinson Emeritus Professor of medication, Perelman tuition of drugs on the collage of Pennsylvania
"A interesting, in-depth chronicle approximately how the outstanding FAHF-2 study is unfolding. Healthcare execs, researchers & sufferers will flip the final web page with renewed feel of desire that nutrients hypersensitivity examine is progressing and promising!" ~Anne F. Russell, BSN, RN, AE-C -Nursing school at Spring Arbor collage & foodstuff hypersensitivity forte Nurse
Author Henry Ehrlich edits the web site AsthmaAllergiesChildren.com and is co-author bronchial asthma bronchial asthma young children: A Parent's advisor with pediatric allergists Dr. Larry Chiaramonte and Dr. Paul Ehrlich.
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