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Download Female Sex Predators: A Crime Epidemic by John Davis BA JD LLM,Jade Davis ND PDF

By John Davis BA JD LLM,Jade Davis ND

the increase of ladies who rape and sexually attack is achieving epidemic proportions. The mainstream media is attempting to brush it less than the carpet.

This brave and groundbreaking ebook pierces throughout the double-standards, myths, and stereotypes to bare, via present experiences and learn, that ladies contain nearly all of intercourse predators in Western Culture.

John Davis is a famous former prosecutor, and profitable foreign attorney, who has studied the issues of girl intercourse predation for over 35 years. His writing is concise, but completely informative.

This paintings is perfect as a briefing for reporters, lawyers, rape survivor advocates, and others looking solutions to the big harm performed in our tradition via ladies who rape and molest children.


FEMALE intercourse PREDATORS: against the law EPIDEMIC1
By: John Davis, B.A., J.D., LL.M.1

PROLOGUE “Denial ain’t only a river in Egypt.”1

CHAPTER 1 what's a intercourse Crime?2
A short heritage of Rape and Sexual Assault6
The Inquisition and intercourse Crimes8
The Rape of the Sabine Women15
Women Who Rape18
Women Who Rape Men30
Case learn – Rape at gunpoint37
Romeo & Juliet Laws40
Sexual Assault46
Women who Sexually attack Men50
Women who Sexually attack Women54
Case examine – lady Beats and Rapes Lover59
Case research: Catherine McCoy Convicted Of Raping lady With golfing Club63
Women who Sexually attack childrens (women who molest children)66

CHAPTER 2 males, Myths & Misandry74
The Heroic Age76
Women’s supremacy – Eleanor of Aquitaine80
The Chivalry Hypothesis90

CHAPTER three The intercourse Industry97
Rhode Island – An Unwitting Experiment100
Prohibition Drives equipped Crime104
The “Swedish version” of Prohibition107

CHAPTER four lady Pedophilia110
Mother-Son/Daughter intercourse Abuse124
Sexually Abusive Mothers126
Underreported Crime136
Sadistic Predators139

CHAPTER five lady Pornographers153
Case research: Sarah Jane Adleta167
Case research: Laura Laibe170

CHAPTER 6 household Violence and the Feminist State174
A procedure that objectives Men181
White Ribbon Australia190

CHAPTER 7 fake allegations of Rape: The Feminist State195
Case research: The Scottboro Boys198
Lying With Rape records – Rape Statistic Propaganda209

CHAPTER eight Perinatal Crimes219
Parental Alienation (and kidnapping)222
In utero assault227
Selective abortion (based on gender)231
Paternity Fraud233
Case research - Johna Loreen Vandemore237
Genital mutilation - Circumcision244

CHAPTER nine Conclusions & Recommendations248


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