By Giovanni R. D'agostino,Fabrizio Elefante
"It bargains with themes that stand deep within the center of the area we live in, and with our possibilities of freedom." Claudio Magris
“Populist – mediatic – democracy is…totalitarianism suitable with democracy…The irreducibility of intellectuals to plenty is the disjunctive aspect or functionality of the totalitarian psychological field.” this can be, in short, the trail that awaits the reader: an instructive – every now and then even painful – “journey” via our cultural koinè, which progressively proves to be an fiscal koinè, monopolized and debased by way of exposure and consensus common sense. the shape of democracy that we're experiencing this day is mediatic, a kind unknown long ago yet now short of clean feedback and, consequently, international to theoretical advancements of former centuries. The Greek etymon “power of the folk” has not price. it really is changed by means of “power of the media,” that is even as a space of debate and social interplay. the main of majority, abnormal to democracy, turns into the instrumentum regni of mediatic energy: a fictitious majority earned from television stocks is gifted based on the canons of democratic rhetoric, and advertisement good judgment takes over democratic rhetoric. “Consumption is democratic expression; discourse is aristocratic privilege… imaginary gratification and the resumption of illiteracy spurred on via magnificent society.” the best choice on hand to enhance democracy is composed in decreasing the asymmetry of information between voters, till we permit democratic participation merely to those that could have the required cultural skills. “Democratic shape, debased and grew to become clownish by means of company and populist folklore, could be capable of get well very important lymph during the paintings of its artists, in the course of the drafting of recent sorts of courting among the right kind and the common.” With a literary sort that resembles either that of Heraclitus and Debord, this publication captivates, attracts enthusiasm, “demoralizes” and destructures clichés within which we're immersed, hence revealing while new paths of enquiry so that you can provide aspiring to our lives of people belonging to a community.
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