By Veronique M. Foti
Friedrich Hölderlin needs to be thought of not just an important poet but in addition a philosophically very important philosopher inside of German Idealism. In either capacities, he used to be crucially preoccupied with the query of tragedy, but, strangely, this ebook is the 1st in English to discover absolutely his philosophy of tragedy. targeting the idea of Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Reiner Schürmann, Véronique M. Fóti discusses the tragic delivering German philosophy that begun on the shut of the eighteenth century to supply a historic and philosophical context for an engagement with Hölderlin. She is going directly to research the 3 fragmentary models of Hölderlin’s personal tragedy, The demise of Empedocles, including similar essays, and his interpretation of Sophoclean tragedy. Fóti additionally addresses the connection of his personality Empedocles to the pre-Socratic thinker and concludes by way of interpreting Heidegger’s discussion with Hölderlin pertaining to tragedy and the tragic.
Véronique M. Fóti is Professor of Philosophy at Penn nation at collage Park and the writer of Vision’s Invisibles: Philosophical Explorations, additionally released through SUNY Press, and Heidegger and the Poets: Poiesis/Sophia/Techne.
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