By Helga Rohra,Elisabeth Stechl,Hans Forstl
Successful translator and linguist Helga Rohra was once understandably stable with phrases - that's, till she chanced on herself getting into a litter whilst she spoke. She began to omit the way in which domestic, even if she may possibly have in mind her deal with. Her complicated signs elevated and Helga was once clinically determined with dementia at age 50 - yet she hasn't enable herself be labelled with the standard stereotypes.
With pleasing vim Helga exhibits that her existence remains to be as considerable and self-determined as ever, dismantling the destructive stereotypes that regularly encompass a dementia analysis. She speaks frankly and with humour approximately her prognosis and existence with younger onset Lewy physique Dementia. She explains the alterations in her lifestyle and the demanding situations she faces, and stocks useful counsel that end up it's attainable to reside good with dementia. Helga additionally talks approximately her activism paintings, which has made hers one of many key voices the world over in dementia advocacy.
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