By Michael Mooney,Nelson Vergel,Mauro Di Pasquale
first-of-its-kind consultant promotes the scientific use of anabolic steroids, admittedly unlawful, for the HIV+ population's long term survival. The book
details every thing suitable approximately anabolic hormones, urge for food stimulants, right nutrition, new supplements, and optimum exercise
programs--all subsidized with wide and present study, that's * championed through sought after physicians who wrote the Foreword *
co-authored by means of a guy who has been HIV+ for 19 years * supported by means of anecdotal facts The competitive three-pronged approach--anabolic
steroids+ nutrients + exercise--is designed to wrestle the main bodily seen influence of HIV/AIDS--the lack of lean physique mass and
weight, losing syndrome. enhanced lean physique mass ends up in more suitable healthiness, together with psychological future health, which contributes to quality of
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