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Download Alabama's Criminal Justice System (State-Specific Criminal by Vicki Lindsay,Jeffrey P. Rush PDF

By Vicki Lindsay,Jeffrey P. Rush

Alabama's felony Justice System is a compilation of unique chapters by means of specialists within the Alabama justice system. It offers a quick heritage of the state's legal justice association and approaches, in addition to its legislations enforcement and correctional our bodies. The authors talk about many federal and ultimate lawsuits originating from stipulations in Alabama that impinged upon the rights of its electorate and resulted in a customary perform of repression within the techniques of legislations enforcement, courts, and corrections. as well as those themes, distinct cognizance is given to the juvenile justice method and sufferers' rights.

PowerPoint slides can be found to professors upon adoption of this ebook. obtain pattern slides from the complete 444-slide presentation right here. when you have followed the e-book for a path, touch bhall (at) cap-press (dot) com to request the PowerPoint slides.

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