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Download Abnormal Female Puberty: A Clinical Casebook by Heather L. Appelbaum PDF

By Heather L. Appelbaum

Comprised completely of scientific circumstances protecting irregular girl puberty and its medical administration, this concise, useful casebook will offer clinicians in reproductive endocrinology, gynecology and pediatrics with the easiest real-world concepts to correctly diagnose and deal with a number of the sorts of the situation they might come upon. each one bankruptcy is a case that opens with a special medical presentation, by way of an outline of the prognosis, evaluate and administration concepts used to regard it, in addition to the case end result and scientific pearls and pitfalls. circumstances integrated illustrate diverse factors of irregular puberty in addition to administration concepts, together with congenital anomalies, endocrine issues, problems with constitutional hold up, weight problems, consuming problems, ovarian melanoma and the impression of pharmacology, between others. Pragmatic and reader-friendly, Abnormal lady Puberty: A scientific Casebook might be a superb source for reproductive endocrinologists, gynecologists and pediatricians alike.

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