By David H. Leake
Do you or an individual you like have coronary artery disorder immediately? you don't have to “live with it.”
That is what I did for 17 years. I lived with it. now not anymore.
My strategies ran out whilst i finally constructed damaging reactions to each on hand statin drug. Lipitor used to be the final and worst. that is whilst my middle medical professional appeared me within the eye and spoke these phrases not anyone desires to pay attention, "There's not anything extra i will do for you." determined, I became to the net. My prayers have been replied whilst i discovered U.S. patent #5278189. glance it up.
Six months ahead of his dying from melanoma, a 93-year-old genius gave mankind an immense present -- an easy, reasonably cheap strategy to opposite, even therapy, center sickness. to maintain it within the public area, he and an affiliate registered that patent so pharmaceutical businesses couldn't keep an eye on it. What they did, as a substitute, used to be to make him out to be an outdated idiot.
In autumn, 2007, i made a decision I had not anything to lose, so I opted to attempt his “cure.” Then the supposedly very unlikely occurred. What was once regarded as a center assault in the summertime of 2011 became out to be Florida warmth stroke. Then, after an invasive angiogram method performed July 27, 2011, knowledgeable heart specialist stated my center to be "free of obstructive disease." you will see that documentation of my conflict with center ailment, finishing with that cardiologist's findings, in excerpts of my own scientific list at http://aworldwithoutheartdisease.com/.
As you learn this e-book you are going to learn:
• Coronary Artery illness could be reversed, cured and prevented
• ldl cholesterol point is unrelated to middle disease
• Statin medicinal drugs don't decrease loss of life premiums because of middle disease
• uncomfortable side effects of statin medicinal drugs are way more universal than is being pronounced, and comprise everlasting muscle harm, mind harm, lack of reminiscence, and more
Imagine the lives that may be prolonged, the pain that may be avoided, while extra humans examine there already exists a secure, reasonably cheap, NON-PRESCRIPTION healing for coronary artery ailment. This ebook is for them, and YOU.
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