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By Alfred M.R. Groff

In his lecture in Wangen (“nine 11” - “1984”) entitled “Die Frage nach dem Sinn der Technik” the German artist Johannes Stüttgen mirrored on Andy Warhol’s asserting „I want to be a machine“. in case you say this, it capacity you're a individual! usually humans could say “I don’t wish to be a machine”. Are they petrified of turning into one? A computing device is selfless and serves.
What can we desire this day? Serving each other as an act of true love? locate the vi-sion that's in step with your transpersonal middle and make it happen!

THIS IS A e-book approximately recognition, paintings AND LOVE:
IT IS A publication approximately awareness AND SELF-DEVELOPMENT, DEMOCRACY AND cash, SOCIAL AND team spirit ECONOMY.

"Alfred Groff offers us useful methods and workouts that support us turn into extra thoroughly who we're, not just as contributors yet jointly as complete societies. this present day, the worldwide nature of the various prob-lems that confront us spotlight the inadequacies of our current tradition and its associations. This de-mands from us, either deeper degrees of introspection, and an outer transformation of our society and economic system, in the community and globally. during this impressive publication, Groff attracts at the insights of Rudolf Steiner and others to indicate easy methods to either, giving us the private instruments to behave within ourselves and the political instruments to behave outdoors in wider society." (John Bunzl, businessman, author and founding father of the Simultaneous coverage crusade, Simpol)

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